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LangSim: Language Similarity Metrics for Translation

ryder ryder
2 min read
Table of Contents

Langsim: Comparing Languages with Limited Data


Comparing languages often requires extensive datasets and complex algorithms. But what if we could gain insights with just a handful of translation pairs? Enter langsim (“language similarity”), an experimental project that aims to do just that.

langsim is a Python library that compares languages using a variety of metrics, even with limited data. From lexical similarity to morphological complexity, it provides a multi-faceted view of language relationships.

Key Features

  • Compares languages using 11 different metrics
  • Works with small datasets (even just a few translation pairs - this is huge for Bible translation into ultra-low resource languages)
  • Language-agnostic approach
  • Easy to install and use

The Road Ahead

It’s important to note that langsim is very much a work in progress. It’s not recommended for production use yet, and there’s plenty of room for improvement. The current metrics are just a starting point, and we’re actively seeking feedback and contributions.

One exciting direction for langsim’s future is leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to evolve its language comparison capabilities. Inspired by Stanford’s fascinating DrEureka project, we’re exploring ways to use LLMs to fine-tune the weights of our comparison metrics, potentially leading to more accurate and nuanced language comparisons.

Get Involved

If you’re interested in language comparison, computational linguistics, or just enjoy tinkering with code, we’d love your input. Try out langsim, open issues with your impressions, or contribute to its development.

Let’s push the boundaries of what’s possible in language comparison, one metric at a time!