Why CC0 is Best Policy for Openly Licensed Bibles
There are many reasons why Creative Commons Zero (CC0) is the best policy for openly licensed Bibles. What follows is a brief summary of each of the CC clauses, some scenarios where additional clauses could have unintended consequences, and a key summary of why CC0 is best for organizations like YWAM whose mission is to spread God’s Word openly, freely, and effectively to all.
A. Creative Commons Clauses Simplified
Creative Commons Clauses
- CC0: No (“zero”) restrictions—anyone can use, modify, or distribute freely.
- CC-BY: Requires attribution to the original source (say who the original is “by”).
- CC-BY-ND: (“non-derivative”) Prohibits changes—no adaptations or modifications allowed.
- CC-BY-NC: (“non-commercial”) Prohibits commercial use—can’t be used for profit.
- CC-BY-SA: (“share-alike”) Requires sharing adaptations under the same license.
B. Scenarios Where Additional Clauses Could Have Unintended Consequences
- CC-BY: Imagine a group that creates a Bible has relational fallout with the community, resulting in broken trust. A new group making revisions to the Bible must always cite this original group, potentially creating guilt by association and mistrust, undermining ministry goals with no obvious benefit to any party.
- CC-BY-ND: Imagine a Bible with a CC-BY-ND license includes minor typos or outdated language. Pastors or other believers can’t legally fix these problems, hindering improvements and relevance for future generations or specific cultural contexts, potentially leading them to start over rather than assume legal liabilities.
- CC-BY-NC: A local bookbinder creates durable leatherbound editions of a free Bible, but can’t sell these editions to sustain their small business due to the NC clause, despite also distributing free paperbacks to those in need.
C. Key Summary: Why CC0 is Best for YWAM
- Frees the Bible from All Restrictions: Ensures anyone can use, adapt, and distribute without fear of violating terms.
- Supports Local Contexts: Enables micro-businesses and local innovators to distribute the Bible sustainably (supporting physical or digital infrustructure) while maintaining free access.
- Simplifies Messaging: Sends a clear and trustworthy message that the Bible is truly free, without legal complexities. Nobody will feel the need to consult legal counsel.
- Eliminates Enforcement Burden: YWAM is unlikely to enforce the more-restrictive clauses even if they were infringed, making these clauses unnecessary and distracting from the goal of free access.
- Encourages Creativity and Growth: Removes all barriers to innovation, ensuring the Bible reaches as many people as possible in diverse ways.
CC0 aligns with YWAM’s mission of spreading God’s Word openly, freely, and effectively to all.